Listen to what our customers LOVE about
The Wine Cellar

“I love coming on Fridays… This is always a place that we can come and we know people. It’s relaxing and low-key, there’s always music and we always really enjoy that tasting day. “

“The best experience about having a date at the Wine Cellar is the atmosphere. It is very cozy and there are so many spots around the shop or outside that you can find a spot to just talk. “

“The reason we love working with Brandi and Jason is because they are very welcoming and accommodating not only for me as a business owner, but for my clientele as well. “

“I started coming to The Wine Cellar in 2006… When I came here, I felt comfortable, I felt safe. And it sort of has a cocktail party atmosphere where everyone talks to each other. “

“The Wine Club… they offer these ZOOM meetings and the cool part of it is you get to listen to the vineyard masters… we had one guy in Italy stay up until probably 3 or 4 in the morning his time. It is just nice to hear their story and how they got involved in wine making.“

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